Beginner’s Guide to Python 3

Python 3 San Francisco Classes

Learning Python 3 can be daunting when you’re first getting started, but it’s important for programmers to learn this in-demand skill. Whether you decide to study independently or enroll in a bootcamp, there are a variety of ways to learn Python and stay competitive in the world of web development.

A Quick Python Overview

Before we dive into the fundamentals of Python 3, let’s first explore where it fits into the grand scheme of programming.

Originally meant to succeed ABC (a different programming language), Python was created in 1991 by Guido van Rossum. Since then, the multipurpose free, open-source language has evolved and improved to provide many advantages to developers.

Reasons to Learn Python 3

So, why learn Python 3? The programming language gives developers of all skill and experience levels plenty of advantages.

Flexible and Reusable

Python 3 easily integrates various modules into programming, making it simple to implement programs related to artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, data analytics and more.

Community and Support

You’re not alone after your Python bootcamp ends; the community for this highly reliable programming language is large, offering extensive support for developers of all experience levels.


Python 3 is interpreted, which makes it more time-efficient and portable compared to other programming languages. 

Clear Structure

Python 3 avoids traditional programming syntax and instead uses a clear structure when creating code, making it much easier for beginners to read and edit their projects.

In Demand

One of the best reasons to learn Python 3 is that it is in high demand. In fact, some surveys indicate that it is currently the most in-demand programming language, making it a highly marketable skill.

The Choice of Big Names

Curious which companies use Python 3 as their chosen programming language? Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and Twitter are just a handful that can help you grasp the extent of Python’s capabilities and reliability.

Comparing Python 3 With the Competitors

To help you determine whether you should learn Python at a bootcamp, take some time to understand how the programming language compares to others.

Compared With Java

Python code is simple, efficient and features server setup capability for single-line HTTP, appealing to programmers of all skill levels. By contrast, Java’s higher memory usage and compile times make it fairly complex.

Compared With R

Compared with R, Python 3 executes shorter codes more quickly. R is field-specific to data mining and statistical analysis, which often results in limitations for developers building web applications. 

Compared With Golang

While Golang provides field-specific applications for web development, cloud computing and system programming, Python features a vast range of support packages for application across various platforms.

Important Python 3 Features

A bootcamp is likely to cover some of the most important features of Python 3, including the following. 

Open-Source and Free

Since Python 3 is open-source and free, anyone can use it. The environment is available as a download on the official Python global webpage. 

Portable and Versatile

Python 3 stores code in the form of byte code, making it highly portable and easy for programmers to execute across platforms. 

No Compilation Required

You do not need to compile Python 3. Instead, the machine that it executes on will interpret it. 


Python is quick to execute, run and develop and maintain script, and its clean indentation makes the code quick to read. 

Procedural and Object-Oriented Language

Python 3 uses a procedural and object-oriented programming language that lets developers include objects, classes and functions in their code.

Supports Libraries

Python 3 supports many open-source libraries that you can use to implement a range of technologies including web design, data analytics and machine learning. Programmers can use a variety of packages for data analysis and visualization, real-time processing of digital images, facilitating handling arrays and complex matrix functions, developing applications with machine learning and building GUI applications, just to name a few.

Differences Between Python 3 and Python 2

Below, we’ll explain the main factors that set Python 3 apart from Python 2. 

Library Compatibility

For beginners learning to code in Python, it typically involves heavy use of libraries, which have improved with the introduction of Python 3. Keep in mind that most Python 2 libraries are not compatible with Python 3, so you will not have full library access if you use older versions.

Unicode Support

While Python 2 text string support was provided via ASCII, Python 3 is supported by Unicode. 

Syntax for Print Functions

With Python 3, the syntax to print a statement is now curly braces. 

Updates from Python 3.6.1

In Python 3.6.1, developers introduced improved numeric literals, improved string formatting and interpolation and made secret modules available to generate cryptographically secure authentication tokens. 

Introduction to the Important Python Fundamentals

In order to get a full understanding of the Python basics and cement your foundational knowledge, explore more in-depth resources geared toward beginners. The following topics cover crucial fundamentals.

Variables, Expressions and Operators

Variables store relevant information in memory and can be invoked to complete calculations. 

Object-Oriented Programming

With object-oriented programming, you can use objects and classes, so you should be sure to understand abstraction, inheritance and encapsulation. 

Conditions, Functions and Loops

Conditional statements and loops control program flow in Python 3. Examples include Switch statements, for loops and while loops. 

I/O Operations and File Handling

These are methods of retrieving information for a source before sending it to another target. 

Exception Handling

This functionality lets you debug programs and find errors in code. 

Using Libraries

Use Python 3 libraries to build interactive and reusable GUI applications or to make responsive WebUI applications and REST APIs. 

Modules and Toolkits

The various modules supported by Python make it easy to perform operations and functions. 

*Please note, these articles are for educational purposes and the topics covered may not be representative of the curriculum covered in our boot camp. Explore our curriculum to see what you’ll learn in our program.

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