Understanding React Bootstrap in Bootstrap 4

Bootstrap classes San Francisco

This tutorial covers how to integrate React Bootstrap with the React program using a simple application.

Creating a Responsive Layout

After building a simple React Bootstrap application, use a user interface (UI) and your components. A grid system is one type of component that contains rows, col classes and containers.

Many developers use the framework Bootstrap 4 with React Bootstrap when creating a responsive layout. The framework offers a variety of new features including a Card component and high-quality support for Flexbox, and its versatility makes it easy to build a web UI using a paradigm and a DOM.

React DOM is often used to sync a UI virtual representation left in the memory with the actual DOM, a process known as reconciliation. While Bootstrap 4 uses Popper.js and jQuery, using jQuery with React Bootstrap is not advised, because jQuery manipulates DOM.

There are several ways to use Bootstrap with your React Bootstrap app without using jQuery. However, you can still use the components and features of this program.

Adding Bootstrap to the React Bootstrap

There are many ways to integrate Bootstrap and React Bootstrap, including: 

  • Installing React Bootstrap using npm.
  • Importing React Bootstrap from CDN.
  • Using a community package for React Bootstrap. 

We will look at each of these more in-depth. 

Using CDN to Integrate React Bootstrap

There are several ways to integrate Bootstrap from CDN using React Bootstrap. In this approach, we will use the <link> tag, which will point to Bootstrap CDN and your index file. To do this, use the following code:

If you are using React Bootstrap parts that are dependent on jQuery, you will also need to use Bootstrap.js, jQuery and Popper.js in your coding document. 

Now that React Bootstrap is added to your application, you can use all of the UI components and other CSS utilities that are available in the program.

You do not need to use a create-react-app instrument to create scaffolding for the application. The most important thing to remember is to add imports to your index.html file in the project.

Using NPM to Add React Bootstrap

You also can install React Bootstrap with npm. Open your terminal window and navigate to the folder of the project, then run this:

Once you have installed this package for React Bootstrap, import it to the file for entry. If you have created this project using a create-react-app instrument, open the index file to add this:

Now, you can use CSS classes in the application. However, if you are using components from JavaScript, you will have to install jQuery, as well as popper.js by running these codes:

Then, go to your index file to add new ones:

Now, you can use all of the power from React Bootstrap for your applications.

Using a Community Package to Integrate React Bootstrap

Community packages also allow you to use Bootstrap and React together to build certain components of React Bootstrap.

This will replace JavaScript in Bootstrap. Since each component is created from scratch so it can be a part of React Bootstrap, it is not dependent on jQuery.

For example, reactstrap has components for Bootstrap 4, which are good for control and composition. The library does not need Bootstrap, JavaScript or jQuery. However, it is necessary to use react-popper so you have advanced control over positioning certain items. 

Working With React Bootstrap

Let’s look at an example using React Bootstrap to create an application. First, install a create-react-app instrument by running this:

After you install this tool, use it to make a Bootstrap React application. Go to the terminal to run this:

Then, go to the root folder of your project and open another terminal so you can run your other commands. Install your program’s dependencies: 

Open up your index file to add this code and import your file with CSS: 

Now, get your JSON data by opening up your src/App.js. Then, add a variable so it can hold the data you have gotten from your server using the following code:

When you fetch the JSON data, call it React setState. This will allow you to apply the contacts state to the data that you fetched. When you use Bootstrap React, you will get a Navbar component, a navigation bar that is very responsive to Bootstrap 4 and can be used with other components. The code will look like this:

We used the React Fragment so we can use many elements from the rendering method. If you use the <NavbarToggler>, then you can cause the navigation bar to be more responsive. You would then wrap the items using the component <collapse>.

Closing Thoughts 

This Bootstrap 4 tutorial covered a few ways to integrate Bootstrap and React and create a professional interface, including using a community project and using npm to install it. For a deeper understanding of these programs and other web development tools, consider enrolling in a coding bootcamp to learn more.

*Please note, these articles are for educational purposes and the topics covered may not be representative of the curriculum covered in our boot camp. Explore our curriculum to see what you’ll learn in our program.

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